Why we volunteer - Amanda Blevins and Carleene Watt from Fidelity International

"Chapter One is a great opportunity to actively contribute to a child's learning on a programme that isn't just for one day."

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Fidelity International is a Chapter One Silver Partner, whose 39 volunteers provided 356 hours of one-to-one reading support to Chapter One children this school year.

We caught up with Fidelity International volunteers Amanda Blevins and Carleene Watt to find out how they found this year with Chapter One.

What motivated you to begin volunteer reading with Chapter One?

Amanda: I wanted to do something different. Having always volunteered with animal related charities in the past, this was something very much out of my comfort zone. I wanted to make a positive impact on a child’s life, promote literacy and give back.

Carleene: I am always looking at ways that I can give back to the community. Chapter One is a great opportunity to actively contribute to a child's learning on a programme that isn't just for one day.

What are the benefits of being a Chapter One volunteer?

Amanda: Reading with Jullya is a rewarding and fulfilling experience, offering the opportunity for me to connect with and inspire a young mind. I love the enthusiasm and excitement I hear in her voice during every lesson and seeing her confidence grow.

Professionally, it has enhanced my communication skills and empathy towards others. It has helped me lead with more confidence. No matter how stressed I am during my working day, Jullya manages to distract me in a good way, and I will often find solutions to things I was struggling with after our reading session.

Carleene: I used to read to my son all the time when he was little, but I don't get that opportunity anymore, so I really enjoy the interaction with my pupil! I also really like that it's a long-term commitment over the course of the school year, as it allows you to build relationships and see progression firsthand. Professionally, it has definitely helped me to be adaptable, considerate and organised!

How have you found the support from Chapter One?

Amanda: The online support team is very good. They reply to all my queries and have found solutions to various sound issues that I raised.

Carleene: There are lots of training resources before your first session, and the Chat Team is always there to support you if you have any problems accessing the platform.

Could you tell us about the pupils you are reading with this year and the progress they have made?

Amanda: Jullya was quite shy and reserved when we first started. She would only be able to read one story before losing concentration. Jullya is now very confident and gets so excited when I call the classroom! She has moved up a level to Magenta and now reads about three books in the 30-minute sessions. She also loves to play all the games.

The stories are fun, colourful and descriptive so there is a lot for Jullya to work with. She is not just reading - she will also count, describe, and use emotion when reading, as well as asking questions. She is very good with flashcards, and she has also taught me a thing or two on phonics! Even when there are tricky words, she perseveres.

Carleene: I’m reading with a little boy called Vladimir, who has really grown in confidence with his reading this year. By having regular sessions with the same person, I can see this has helped him to feel more comfortable with trying his best at new words and activities, even if he makes mistakes. I also see this confidence when he now chooses whether to do an activity or read a story.

How else has your pupil changed or benefited since participating in Chapter One’s Online Reading Volunteers Programme?

Amanda: The progress that Jullya has made from that first day back in October 2023 is quite remarkable. Her continuous willingness to learn is felt through the phone. I wish I had more time to read to her with Chapter One@Home!

Carleene: He is now much more talkative and can relate his own experiences to what is going on in the stories. He also really enjoys the wide selection of games.

What standout moments have there been when reading with your child?

Amanda: Seeing Jullya at the virtual Meet & Greet event in February and having her read a little note to me. I was so proud of her. I also loved seeing all the other kids and other Fidelity International volunteers.

But by far, the best highlight was meeting Jullya and her 30+ classmates in person in July, to celebrate the end of the school year. We got to spend an invaluable hour with the kids helping them read, draw and colour-in. It was incredible to see the difference being made.

Carleene: When Vladimir beat me at noughts and crosses!

How can companies get involved in Chapter One?

Chapter One’s virtual, time-efficient, flexible model for volunteering will enhance your company’s employee value proposition, whilst fulfilling CSR or social value commitments around education, social mobility and inclusion. Employees can:

- volunteer online directly from their desks with no travel

- make a direct impact on the lives of children from disadvantaged communities

- support local communities across the UK

- improve their own well-being by helping others

- reconnect with your company’s social purpose

If you’re interested in joining us, we’d love to hear from you! You’ll find out who we currently work with on our partners’ page. You can contact us here or email sarah.taylor@chapterone.org.