Chapter One and Rothschild & Co
Our Gold Partner Rothschild & Co recently welcomed children from Argyle Primary School in Camden to their London offices
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We're endlessly inspired when our corporate partners and schools use their Chapter One relationship as a springboard for even more meaningful collaboration. A great example of this is how recently, 15 excited children from Argyle Primary School in Camden got to visit the impressive offices of Rothschild & Co, one of Chapter One's Gold Partners!
The children couldn't contain their excitement as they stepped into the corporate world – it was quite the change from their Camden classroom! Their faces lit up when they saw the volunteers that they have been reading with weekly since the start of the school year.
The power of connection
These special visits really strengthen the bonds formed during the weekly 30-minute online reading sessions, making the Chapter One experience even more meaningful for both children and volunteers.
As one volunteer, Thomas Garrett reflected: "Volunteering for Chapter One has been an absolute highlight. Seeing the impact on a young reader as you work with them over a year in manageable chunks is achievable for everyone, no matter how busy they are. Meeting my reader face to face, doing an activity with them and watching them and their classmates walk around the building was really special."

Making memories
The day was packed with fun! The children and their volunteers got stuck in to various activities including some introductions, making bookmarks (with lots of stickers and feathers!) and an office tour.
The impact of this face-to-face meeting went far beyond the day itself. As Holly Diamond, a Rothschild & Co volunteer, discovered the very next day: "In my session with my student, she said that because she got to meet me at the event, she would 'remember me forever', which is a lovely thing to hear."
This sentiment was echoed by Caroline Teisserenc, another dedicated online reading volunteer: "It was great to meet the pupils we've been reading to since October and to put a face to a name and voice. My reading session had great energy following our special in-person event."
The visit concluded with refreshments and a special moment as each child received their very own book to take home – some were inspired by Laura Parkinson's mother, an author.

Davina Ramen, Chapter One Programme Manager - London & Teacher Training/Research Lead, accompanied the children on the visit and reflected: "Creating opportunities for children to broaden their horizons is at the heart of what we do. During our visit, I watched students who'd never been exposed to a busy modern workplace before light up with excitement as they toured the office. Their teacher shared how transformative these experiences are - showing children worlds they wouldn't normally see and helping them imagine new possibilities for their own futures."
How can companies get involved in Chapter One?
Chapter One’s virtual, time-efficient, flexible model for volunteering will enhance your company’s employee value proposition, whilst fulfilling CSR or social value commitments around education, social mobility and inclusion. Employees can:
- volunteer online directly from their desks with no travel
- make a direct impact on the lives of children from disadvantaged communities
- support local communities across the UK
- improve their own well-being by helping others
- reconnect with your company’s social purpose
If you’re interested in joining us, we’d love to hear from you! You’ll find out who we currently work with on our partners’ page. You can contact us here or email
It all starts with literacy.