10 October 2024
Big Give Christmas Challenge 2024 - one donation, twice the impact!
Every child's story matters. Help write their next chapter this Christmas.
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We're absolutely thrilled to have exceeded our Christmas Challenge fundraising target on the first day of the campaign! Thank you to all of our donors and the Chapter One community for your wonderful support so far! As you know, we are ambitious to reach as many children as we possibly can, so we’ve upped our overall target for this campaign.
We would love to increase our target to raise £20,000 by Tuesday 10 December to give the priceless gift of reading to even more children. Can you help us? Whilst donations will no longer be matched, additional funds would be so important to us at a time when the need for our work is exploding. Every penny counts.
Every child's story matters. Help write their next chapter this Christmas.
Give the gift of reading this Christmas
This December, Chapter One is taking part in the Big Give’s Christmas Challenge to raise £10,000 in one week! The campaign will help us raise vital funds to meet the increasing need for one-to-one reading support for children facing disadvantage in communities across the UK.
The Christmas Challenge is a great opportunity to make a donation to Chapter One as donations will be doubled! From midday on Tuesday 3 December to midday on Tuesday 10 December, every donation made on our Christmas Challenge campaign page will be matched until we reach our target of £10,000.
How can you get involved?
🌟 Visit our Christmas Challenge campaign page and make a donation from midday on Tuesday 3 December to midday on Tuesday 10 December. Set a reminder so you remember not to miss your chance to double your donation!
🌟 Help us to spread the word and share information about the campaign with your networks.
Funds will be used to provide Chapter One one-to-one online reading sessions to more young children like Jullya, setting them up with the reading skills and confidence needed to thrive through education and life:
Jullya was quite shy and reserved when we first started. She would only be able to read one story before losing concentration. Jullya is now very confident and gets so excited when I call the classroom! She has moved up a level...and now reads about three books in the 30-minute sessions.
Amanda Blevins, online reading volunteer
Gift 1:1 reading support so children can thrive
In schools across the UK, the fundamental skill of reading - the key that unlocks a world of opportunity - remains frustratingly out of reach for too many children. In 2023, a staggering 40% of 11-year-olds facing disadvantage in England left primary school unable to read at the expected standard. This can throw their whole life off track, and make it impossible to reach their potential.

Chapter One is fantastic! It has secured amazing progress for some of our most vulnerable readers and built their confidence with their reading. It has fitted seamlessly into our classrooms and the children love the dedicated time and support they receive from their volunteers.
Sophie Ensall, Galleywall Primary School, Southwark
Funds raised through the campaign will help us to provide more weekly 30-minute online reading sessions so that children aged 5 to 8 can develop key literacy skills and spark a love of reading, in turn motivating them to learn and raising their aspirations. Children and their reading volunteers from our partner companies use our online platform to read stories and play a range of word games to develop their skills and reading enjoyment. This academic year, we aim to support 3,300 children across 12 areas of the UK.
Your donations will be matched!
Donations to our campaign will be generously matched by The EQ Foundation, Clyde & Co, Encore Group, Lewis Silkin, Mishcon de Reya and T.Rowe Price, meaning your money can support twice as many children facing disadvantage.
See how your donations could be set to work!
🌟 £5 doubled to £10 could provide an enhanced DBS check to one volunteer enabling them to read with a child for a year.
🌟 £25 doubled to £50 could provide a set of noise-cancelling headphones for a classroom of ten children, who’ll use them for their weekly online sessions.
🌟 £50 doubled to £100 could provide five 1:1 online reading sessions for one child.
🌟 £225 doubled to £450 could provide 1:1 online reading sessions to one child for an entire academic year.
For further information, read our FAQs and/or please contact:
Lisa Barea, Trusts and Foundations Fundraiser, lisa.barea@chapterone.org

One donation, twice the impact!